

Show was a site responsive exhibition in a vacant ground floor space of the Cork Centre for Architectural Education in October 2012 as part of There, There, a photographic event curated by Stag & Deer. Installation photographs courtesy of Jedrzej Niezgoda.

A show of work that would represent what I was looking at in a space.
The phenomenon of the experience of the seeing.
The mechanical intermediary that is the camera.
The whatever it is that happens inside me that aligns when I encounter the thing that compels me.
Then the darkroom, the fact of science, that part is all ‘graphable’. The thrill of seeing the negative and the object you can share- the print and the time of darkroom bliss to make it.

But that is not the thing- it’s a representation of the thing, of the feeling- of the machine and the science. It’s the result.
So I bring the prints back to the place and show you so you too may have an encounter with something.
They are not the thing, they are photographs of it. To show what is there.

Written by Jason O’Shaughnessy

There are many spectres hiding within the printed surfaces of this exhibition, that reside in an elusive penumbric space of partial-shadows and half-light. The image here want to evade truly fixed recordings- yet, we must determine what propels an investigation of such atmospheric and spatial splippages, splits and partial bodies, rather than simply representing the more physically certain spaces that we are more familiar with?

The answer seems to lie with the interests of Roseanne Lynch’s herself, and what might seems to others as a rather unpromising space. Her practice accesses these spaces and its constructions through means of acute observation and testing using the camera and sketchbook. The sketchbook is incised with shadow and text- almost brutally so, when compared with the delicacy of the primate material- the timbers screens and plastered walls of the space. The orthopaedic sensorium that Michel Serres describes, is deconstructed by these working methods- allowing for something new to emerge through this process. The sketchbook becomes a sort of ‘double’ of the site itself – where the conditions of the exhibition room are over-written in order to circumscribe potential new relationships between the photographs and viewer, that one might describe as entirely architectural.

Jason O’Shaughnessy is a Lecturer and Masters in Architecture Course Leader at CCAE Cork School of Architecture, and founder of Architecture53seven- an experimental practice situated in new forms of research in spatial disciplines.